YES on Prop 6

Sam Brown, the original author of Proposition 6, began his advocacy for change from within a prison cell. Recognizing the urgent need to address a constitutional flaw, Sam wrote ACA 3 in response to the Thirteenth Amendment, Section 1, which allows for slavery and involuntary servitude as punishment for a crime. His conviction to eliminate this loophole in the U.S. Constitution sparked a movement for justice reform. ACA 3 later evolved into ACA 8, which ultimately became Proposition 6. Brown’s work has been instrumental in reshaping the conversation around incarceration, focusing on rehabilitation and justice reform, and striving for a more humane legal system.
Thirteenth Amendment, Section 1:
Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted, shall exist within the United States, or any place subject to their jurisdiction.
21 October 2024
🥘Taste of Soul: Standing for Justice, Yes on Prop 6! ✨
This weekend, Sam Brown had an incredible time representing Yes on Prop 6 at the Taste of Soul in Los Angeles! While sharing the importance of voting YES to end involuntary servitude, Sam met the amazing Gayle, who graciously invited him to speak at her women’s meeting about the vital issues in this upcoming election.
Sam had the opportunity to dive deep into these important discussions, including No on Prop 36 and, of course, Yes on Prop 6. It was a truly inspiring experience—he not only shared his message but learned so much from the strong, passionate voices in the room. Together, we’re moving forward toward justice and equity!
💫 Thank you to everyone who continues to support this movement—your voice and vote matter!
🗳️ Let’s keep fighting for change.
🚀 Vote YES on Prop 6!
#TasteOfSoulLA #YesOnProp6 #NoOnProp36 #JusticeForAll #SamBrown #CommunityAction #EndInvoluntaryServitude #VoteForChange #TogetherWeRise #10P #10PProgram
✅ Removes slavery/involuntary servitude from the constitution.
✅ Enhances public safety by focusing on rehabilitation, reducing reoffending rates.
✅ Saves taxpayer money by lowering the annual cost of incarceration, which is $134,000 per person.
✅ Reduces recidivism and helps prevent homelessness by supporting effective rehabilitation programs.
✅ Avoids re-incarceration costs, allowing savings to be redirected to:
- Community programs
- Mental health services
- Education
- Other essential public services
✅ Improves the overall well-being of Californians while making better use of taxpayer dollars.
✅ Companion bill AB628 would go into effect, allowing incarcerated people to be paid a fair wage.
21 October 2024
🥘Taste of Soul: Standing for Justice, Yes on Prop 6! ✨
This weekend, Sam Brown had an incredible time representing Yes on Prop 6 at the Taste of Soul in Los Angeles! While sharing the importance of voting YES to end involuntary servitude, Sam met the amazing Gayle, who graciously invited him to speak at her women’s meeting about the vital issues in this upcoming election.
Sam had the opportunity to dive deep into these important discussions, including No on Prop 36 and, of course, Yes on Prop 6. It was a truly inspiring experience—he not only shared his message but learned so much from the strong, passionate voices in the room. Together, we’re moving forward toward justice and equity!
💫 Thank you to everyone who continues to support this movement—your voice and vote matter!
🗳️ Let’s keep fighting for change.
🚀 Vote YES on Prop 6!
#TasteOfSoulLA #YesOnProp6 #NoOnProp36 #JusticeForAll #SamBrown #CommunityAction #EndInvoluntaryServitude #VoteForChange #TogetherWeRise #10P #10PProgram
The arguments against YES on Prop :
❌ Risk to public safety: Opponents argue that by focusing more on rehabilitation and reducing incarceration, dangerous offenders may be released prematurely, potentially increasing crime rates.
✅ In fact, prioritizing rehabilitation strengthens public safety by providing incarcerated individuals with the support they need to address the underlying issues that led them to adopt criminality and return to society better equipped to be contributing members. This approach tackles root causes, rehabilitation helps them reintegrate into society as productive, contributing members, ultimately fostering a safer and more cohesive community.
❌ Costs of rehabilitation programs: Some critics believe that the upfront costs of implementing and expanding rehabilitation and reentry programs may outweigh the savings from reduced incarceration, especially if the programs are not effectively managed.
✅ The truth is, investing in rehabilitation significantly lowers the financial burden on taxpayers. Currently, it costs $134,000 per year to incarcerate a single individual. By providing the necessary treatment and support, we can prevent people from returning to a life of crime, thereby reducing these high costs. Moreover, by offering fair wages to incarcerated individuals, they not only reenter society as productive citizens, they also expand the taxpayer base while incarcerated and further contribute to the economy.
❌ Doubts about rehabilitation effectiveness: Skeptics point to the inconsistency of success rates in rehabilitation programs, arguing that they may not be as effective in preventing recidivism as advocates claim.
✅ Less than 1% of incarcerated individuals who earn an Associate of Arts degree reoffend, and less than 0.5% of formerly incarcerated lifers do so. Studies consistently show that rehabilitative programs not only transform the lives of individuals but also enhance public safety by significantly reducing recidivism rates.
❌ Incentivizing leniency: Opponents worry that prioritizing rehabilitation over punishment could lead to more lenient sentencing, undermining justice for victims and weakening the deterrent effect of harsher penalties.
✅ Instead, it focuses on addressing the root causes of criminal behavior, such as mental health issues, substance abuse, and lack of education or opportunity. By tackling these underlying problems, rehabilitation reduces the likelihood of reoffending, which ultimately enhances long-term public safety. Moreover, rehabilitation programs can be integrated with appropriate sentencing measures, ensuring that justice for victims is upheld while also preventing future harm. Studies have shown that harsher penalties do not necessarily deter crime, while effective rehabilitation can lead to more sustainable outcomes for both individuals and society.
❌ Long-term sustainability: Critics question whether the proposed savings from reduced incarceration costs can reliably be sustained and whether those funds will truly be redirected to community and social services as promised.
✅ Moving away from "tough on crime" legislation, which disproportionately harms communities of color, allows for more sustainable, long-term solutions. By investing in rehabilitative practices, we increase the likelihood that individuals will return to their communities more equipped and better prepared than when they entered the system. This shift also puts an end to the harmful practice of prioritizing forced labor over rehabilitation, addressing the real needs of individuals instead of neglecting them. This approach fosters healthier, stronger communities and helps break the cycle of incarceration.
21 October 2024
🥘Taste of Soul: Standing for Justice, Yes on Prop 6! ✨
This weekend, Sam Brown had an incredible time representing Yes on Prop 6 at the Taste of Soul in Los Angeles! While sharing the importance of voting YES to end involuntary servitude, Sam met the amazing Gayle, who graciously invited him to speak at her women’s meeting about the vital issues in this upcoming election.
Sam had the opportunity to dive deep into these important discussions, including No on Prop 36 and, of course, Yes on Prop 6. It was a truly inspiring experience—he not only shared his message but learned so much from the strong, passionate voices in the room. Together, we’re moving forward toward justice and equity!
💫 Thank you to everyone who continues to support this movement—your voice and vote matter!
🗳️ Let’s keep fighting for change.
🚀 Vote YES on Prop 6!
#TasteOfSoulLA #YesOnProp6 #NoOnProp36 #JusticeForAll #SamBrown #CommunityAction #EndInvoluntaryServitude #VoteForChange #TogetherWeRise #10P #10PProgram
Major corporations like Home Depot and Walmart don’t support so-called "tough on crime" legislation, such as the Three Strikes Law & Prop 36, out of concern for public safety. Instead, they support these destructive laws because they directly benefit from the use of prison labor. When individuals are incarcerated, these companies exploit them as a cheap labor force, which allows them to cut costs and maximize profits. As a result, they lobby lawmakers to pass legislation that disproportionately harms communities of color, perpetuating mass incarceration and ensuring a steady supply of low-cost labor for their businesses.
21 October 2024
🥘Taste of Soul: Standing for Justice, Yes on Prop 6! ✨
This weekend, Sam Brown had an incredible time representing Yes on Prop 6 at the Taste of Soul in Los Angeles! While sharing the importance of voting YES to end involuntary servitude, Sam met the amazing Gayle, who graciously invited him to speak at her women’s meeting about the vital issues in this upcoming election.
Sam had the opportunity to dive deep into these important discussions, including No on Prop 36 and, of course, Yes on Prop 6. It was a truly inspiring experience—he not only shared his message but learned so much from the strong, passionate voices in the room. Together, we’re moving forward toward justice and equity!
💫 Thank you to everyone who continues to support this movement—your voice and vote matter!
🗳️ Let’s keep fighting for change.
🚀 Vote YES on Prop 6!
#TasteOfSoulLA #YesOnProp6 #NoOnProp36 #JusticeForAll #SamBrown #CommunityAction #EndInvoluntaryServitude #VoteForChange #TogetherWeRise #10P #10PProgram
✅ Register To Vote: https://registertovote.ca.gov/
✅ Talk About Prop 6 on Social Media: https://www.instagram.com/10pprogram/
✅ Share This Page With Your Friends: https://www.10pprogram.org/yeson6
✅ Repost Our Posts About Prop 6:
✅ Who Supports Prop 6: https://voteyesoncaprop6.com/endorsements
21 October 2024
🥘Taste of Soul: Standing for Justice, Yes on Prop 6! ✨
This weekend, Sam Brown had an incredible time representing Yes on Prop 6 at the Taste of Soul in Los Angeles! While sharing the importance of voting YES to end involuntary servitude, Sam met the amazing Gayle, who graciously invited him to speak at her women’s meeting about the vital issues in this upcoming election.
Sam had the opportunity to dive deep into these important discussions, including No on Prop 36 and, of course, Yes on Prop 6. It was a truly inspiring experience—he not only shared his message but learned so much from the strong, passionate voices in the room. Together, we’re moving forward toward justice and equity!
💫 Thank you to everyone who continues to support this movement—your voice and vote matter!
🗳️ Let’s keep fighting for change.
🚀 Vote YES on Prop 6!
#TasteOfSoulLA #YesOnProp6 #NoOnProp36 #JusticeForAll #SamBrown #CommunityAction #EndInvoluntaryServitude #VoteForChange #TogetherWeRise #10P #10PProgram
October 2024
✊🏾Votes YES on Prop 6✅
Thank you @suaresjesse for your consistent hardwork and dedication.‼️We need more people to act! Spread the word. Slavery is still legal in 2024.‼️
End slavery now‼️
Spread the word‼️
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Tell your friends and family to VOTE YES ON PROP 6‼️
Go to www.10pprogram.org (link in bio) and click YES ON 6 to learn more. ✅
#10pprogram #10P #EndSlaveryInCalifornia #EndInvoluntaryServitude #slaverystillexists #modernslavery #slaveryiswrong
October 2024
✊🏾Votes YES on Prop 6✅
Thank you to my Bro @belizeanbwoydem for remaining Purpose Driven and helping others in such an impactful way. ‼️We need more people to act! Spread the word. Slavery is still legal in 2024.‼️
End slavery now‼️
Spread the word‼️
Share this post‼️
Tell your friends and family to VOTE YES ON PROP 6‼️
Go to www.10pprogram.org (link in bio) and click YES ON 6 to learn more. ✅
#10pprogram #10P #EndSlaveryInCalifornia #EndInvoluntaryServitude #slaverystillexists #modernslavery #slaveryiswrong
October 2024
✊🏾Votes YES on Prop 6✅
Thank you @tanks_dominique for your advocacy and your work. ‼️We need more people to act! Spread the word. Slavery is still legal in 2024.‼️
End slavery now‼️
Spread the word‼️
Share this post‼️
Tell your friends and family to VOTE YES ON PROP 6‼️
Go to www.10pprogram.org (link in bio) and click YES ON 6 to learn more. ✅
#10pprogram #10P #EndSlaveryInCalifornia #EndInvoluntaryServitude #slaverystillexists #modernslavery #slaveryiswrong
October 2024
✊🏾Votes YES on Prop 6✅
Thanks to @sam.nathaniel.brown founder of @10pprogram for authoring the bill and @swlewis01 Executive Direcor of @antirecidivismcoalition for championing it forward with community organizations.
#10p #reentrykeys #endslavery #ronnieshouse
October 2024
✊🏾E40 Votes YES on Prop 6✅
Thank you @e40 and @fabbydavisjr1 for stepping up to move the people in the direction of change we all need and can believe in.
23 October 2024
💕Too Short Supports Prop 6✊🏾
Thank you @tooshort and @fabbydavisjr1 for stepping up to use your voices and influence to encourage the people to vote yes on Prop 6 and bring an end to modern-day slavery. Thank you @reentrykeys for being a positive force in the community and @antirecidivismcoalition for being such a powerful pillar of change. Yes on Prop 6!
#endslavery #10P
20 October 2024
💕Much love to CJEC✊🏾
Much love to CJEC and everyone supporting in the push for reparations! Thank you to my Brotha @chris_lodgson for the work you do and the consistent support in the fight to end slavery in California, once and for all. Thank you @docmellymel for remaining such a powerful advocate in the fight for positive change and elevation of Black lives everywhere. Keep pushing, keep fighting. Lets get this done! Yes on Prop 6!
#endtheexception #endslavery #CJEC #blm #10p
18 October 2024
🛑Put An End To Slavery🗝️
Slavery still exists in California. Let’s put an end and finally abolish America’s oldest sin. This November 5th vote @voteyesonprop6 and join the fight to abolish slavery from our California constitution. @10pprogram @voteyesonprop6 @allofusornone @startingoverinc.ca @garveyallenacademy @sam.nathaniel.brown
2 October 2024
📹Sam Brown on Fox News 📰
Sam Brown, a dedicated advocate for human rights, recently spoke with Fox News San Diego as an ambassador for Prop 6, which seeks to end involuntary servitude in California.
In his interview, Sam passionately discussed the need to remove outdated and unjust language from the state constitution that allows involuntary servitude as a form of punishment.
He emphasized that this proposition is a vital step toward building a more just and equitable legal system, one focused on rehabilitation rather than punishment, which in turn reduces recidivism. By shifting the focus to rehabilitation, Prop 6 not only promotes fairness but also eases the financial burden on taxpayers and enhances public safety.
Sam’s advocacy for Prop 6 highlights his commitment to ensuring that California upholds human dignity and eliminates remnants of systemic injustice.
2 October 2024
🚗 Last Friday, Sam Brown traveled to San Diego as an ambassador for Prop 6! ✊🏾
Sam spoke to the local community about the importance of voting YES on Prop 6, a critical initiative to end involuntary servitude in California's penal system. The event was a powerful reminder of how our collective voices can create real change. Sam passionately shared why Prop 6 matters—not just for those directly impacted, but for the fight for justice and equality for all.
Thank you to everyone who came out and engaged in this important conversation. Your support for this cause makes all the difference, and together, we’re pushing forward to a more just future.
🗳️ Let’s keep the momentum going—Vote YES on Prop 6!
#Prop6 #VoteYesOnProp6 #EndInvoluntaryServitude #JusticeForAll #CommunityAction #SanDiego #10P #10Pprogram #StandForChange
28 September 2024
📣 What an Inspiring Night at the Prop 6 & Prop 36 Rally! ✊🏾
Last night, we gathered at the Brown Cup Cafe in Oceanside to rally support for Prop 6 and Prop 36—two crucial propositions that stand for justice and equity. The energy in the room was electric as community members came together to raise their voices against outdated l10Pprogramght for a fairer future.
aYES on Prop 6 aims to end involuntary servitude in California’s penal system, while a NO on Prop 36 maintains the progress we’ve made in criminal justice reform over the last decade. Prop 36 is presented like it is in the best interests of the public, but in reality does nothing to evolve solutions for the issues that it states are problems ie drug offenses, homelessness, and theft. It actually makes them worse.
A huge thank you to everyone who attended and spoke with such passion and conviction. This movement is growing stronger because of YOU. Together, we can make real change happen. Let’s keep the momentum going and continue to rally behind these life-changing initiatives.
🗳️ Vote YES on Prop 6 & NO on Prop 36!
#Prop6 #Prop36 #EndInjustice #VoteForChange #OceansideRally #BrownCupCafe #SecondChances #CommunityPower #10P #10Pprogram
16 September 2024
Today we had an incredible press conference with labor leaders and Community leaders!
It's an honor to be standing beside such incredible people and supporting this historical legislation that's going to change the face of California as we know it
So we encourage all of the voters to come out all of the leaders to come out!
if you're not registered vote please do so and vote Yes on Prop 6! End slavery in California!!
Thank you again to everybody that was there today! @senatorstevenbradford
@e.nunez89 @Senatorrmed @lolasmallwoodcuevas @sisterwarriorsfreedom
@asapjustice_ @antirecidivismcoalition
@californiafirefighter @jonessawyer57official @thelafed @canthustlelikeme @mi.chael.mendoza
✅ Young Women's Freedom Center
✅ 10P Program
✅ California's Firefighters Association
Just everybody and all the elected officials thank you!
#10pprogram #10P #EmotionalLiteracyMatters #yesonprop6 #endslaveryincalifornia